Friday, May 16, 2014

First Post Introductions

I feel like the new kid on the first day of school: awkward and unknown. I've been stalking countless blogs lately, and since I happen to love writing, I thought eh why not? It cannot be a worst time to "pick up" blogging, with finals around the corner, however that kind of makes me want to do it more. More than ever I need an outlet and this is the perfect place.

I'll tell you a bit about myself (regardless if you want to know or not) :

Gunner & Robert
  1. My boyfriend Robert & I have a puppy (Gunner) together
  2. I have an unconditional love for cheez-its
  3. My favorite song is Rich Girl by Hall & Oates ( don't ask, I don't know)
  4. My sister and I look like we're twins, but she's 11.... which is alarming
  5. I don't play any team sports but I do love golf, tennis & fishing.. so basically I'm an old fart 
  6. I have dreams every night & can always remember them
  7. I lived on Long Island, NY until I was 6
  8. I'm short... we're talking 5'1, 5'2 on a good day
  9. I have a very bad addiction to coffee/tea/ caffeine in general ( which I truly do not need )
  10. I MUST stay below the mason-dixon line for college
I cannot wait to make new friends and share my journey to adulthood


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